Robots on tour 2023

May 3 & 4 in Dielsdorf

Register now

The first step towards automating your production

Cobots, short for collaborative robots, are now an integral part of countless companies around the world. For SMEs in particular, cobots are a very attractive solution in many respects. The cobots take over the most repetitive tasks in the company and free up valuable manpower for more complex tasks. Collaborative robots are very flexible and can perform different tasks at different locations in the company within a few minutes. As the name collaborative suggests, cobots do not need a safety cage and can work side by side with employees in the company without posing a safety risk. In addition to the advantages mentioned above, cobots pay for themselves within the first 2 years and are a very attractive way to automate processes.

Robots on tour 2023 together with Universal Robots and our integrator network

Robots on Tour 2023 will be with us in Dielsdorf on May 3 & 4. Visitors can expect an exciting program with lots of information, ideas, solutions and opportunities to exchange ideas. Register now via the links for one of the two days. You can also find more information about the events on the registration page. We look forward to your visit and two exciting and informative event days with you.

Experience the cobots from Universal Robots in various realistic live applications

Experts and consultants from Universal Robots and our integrators will be on site to answer your questions

Find out more about collaborative robotics and its potential for you at exciting presentations

Program a small application and convince yourself of the simplicity of our cobots

UR Robots on Tour 2023 eMail Dielsdorf