Cobots from Universal Robots are safe and collaborative

We have all seen pictures of large industrial robots doing their work surrounded by fences. They have such power and work with such speed that these industrial robots are extremely dangerous for humans.
The situation is different with the collaborative robots from Universal Robots. The cobots from Universal Robots are ideal for collaboration between humans and robots.

What does collaborative mean?

Another word for collaborating is working together. But who is working together here and why are these lightweight robots often called collaborating robots?
The focus here is on collaboration between humans and robots. Thanks to various safety measures, e.g. a pressure sensor, it is possible for lightweight robots to work alongside and with humans without fencing.
This opens up completely new possibilities. Collaborating robots therefore often take over work steps that require the highest precision, while employees carry out further work steps right next to them.

Cobots increase the safety of your employees

However, cobots themselves are not only safe, they also increase the health and safety of your employees. Collaborating robots do not care in which environment they are used. For example, they can paint parts with the utmost precision without having to worry about their health. By using them in dirty and hazardous environments where the health of your employees is at risk, you increase the health of your employees and improve the attractiveness of your company.

During the free cobot demo, for which we will be happy to visit you, you can observe the behavior of the cobot and try out for yourself how safe Universal Robots' cobots are.

Would you like to find out more about automation with cobots?

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All about the other advantages of collaborative robots from Universal Robots: